Jupiter Power is proposing to build and operate the Streamfield Energy Storage Facility (Streamfield) in Westfield, Massachusetts. Streamfield is a 200-megawatt utility-scale battery energy storage project that will connect to Eversource's existing Buck Pond substation on Medeiros Way. The facility aims to improve the reliability, stability, and resiliency of the regional power grid.

Map of future Streamfield Energy Storage location
Photo above: The proposed location of the streamfield energy storage facility

Project Location

Streamfield Energy Storage will be located across two parcels on Medeiros Way, west of Route 202 in Westfield. The generation tie-line will run across Medeiros Way, near existing transmission lines, to interconnect at the Buck Pond substation, immediately adjacent to the southern parcel.

Project Status

We are currently developing applications for review by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) and the City of Westfield.

We plan to start construction in 2026, which would put the project on track to be in service by mid-2027.  

Further updates to project schedules will be posted on this website.
Construction personnel check system performance during commissioning
Photo above: construction personnel finalize commissioning at a Jupiter battery site.
construction personnel finalize commissioning at a Jupiter battery site.
Photo above: jupiter power storage site facility in west texas

Community Benefits

The Streamfield Energy Storage Facility will benefit local residents and businesses by improving the power grid and supporting the local economy. Major benefits will include:
  • Improved reliability, efficiency, and resiliency of the regional power grid without an increase in electricity bills.
  • Increased integration of existing and future renewable resources like solar and offshore wind projects across Massachusetts and New England.
  • Benefits of a major financial investment in the project with the potential for significant, predictable local government revenue.
  • Industrial-level investments without some of the emission and community impacts of other industrial investments.

Why battery storage?

  • Emergency Support: Batteries are an excellent way to deploy energy instantaneously for us in times of need, assisting with preventing and recovering from outages.
  • Customer Demand: Homes and businesses need reliable energy at all times. Morning and evening hours are typically when the largest amount of energy is needed from the grid to serve customers. During these times, we can pull energy from batteries to meet the high demand.
  • Maintain Stability: Supply and demand of energy fluctuate throughout the day and changes in either can affect grid stability. Batteries help even out the fluctuation of energy on the grid.
battery modules inside a container at one of Jupiter Power’s projects in Texas.
Photo above: battery modules inside a container at one of Jupiter Power’s projects in Texas.